New to the Toolkit is the ability to create a weighted scoring system for investment due diligence.
Toolkit users have the ability to create their own score from 0 to 100 and display it in monitoring and proposal reports. This allows users to prioritize which data points they feel are important and easily communicate their unique process to clients in a simple, numerical score.
Here's how it works! Note you'll want to visit Settings>Watch List Triggers to get started.
1. Pick from over 272 available data points. 15 'Return minus Benchmark' data points are newly added to help you compare investment returns vs best fit, category or prospectus indexes.
2. Assign what pass/fail would be for that data points i.e. top 50% of peers.
3. Assign the weight to the investment. Higher weights indicate higher importance.
Calculation note: Passing a criteria will allocate the assigned weight. Failing a criteria will allocate zero. The sum of the passing weights will show in reports as the Custom Score with green indicating pass and yellow indicating failure.
4. Set the overall cutoff. Scores higher than the cutoff will be labeled pass, lower will be flagged for watch or remove depending on your rules.
To view your custom score, be sure to apply the new trigger to your client via the investment policy(for monitoring reports) or at proposal report generation(for proposal report templates where custom score is included). Also, be sure to turn on the custom score column in the client account holdings page:
View Watchlist Evaluation will now display which criteria passed and contributed the the resulting custom score.
Report sections that currently support the custom score:
- Monitoring Report Sections - Click here for sample
- State of Affairs
- Watch List Summary
- Watch List Breakdown
- Proposal Report Sections - Click here for sample
- State of Affairs
- Proposal Factsheet
- Holdings Summary
Note: more monitoring report sections are coming soon to display the custom score.
New Data Points Available for Monitoring and Research
1-Year Return Minus Category Index
3-Year Return Minus Category Index
5-Year Return Minus Category Index
10-Year Return Minus Category Index
15-Year Return Minus Category Index
1-Year Return Minus Prospectus Index
3-Year Return Minus Prospectus Index
5-Year Return Minus Prospectus Index
10-Year Return Minus Prospectus Index
15-Year Return Minus Prospectus Index
1-Year Return Minus Best-Fit Index
3-Year Return Minus Best-Fit Index
5-Year Return Minus Best-Fit Index
10-Year Return Minus Best-Fit Index
15-Year Return Minus Best-Fit Index