Fi360 has instituted a program for reviewing and accepting sources of continuing education from outside providers. Any organization or event that is part of our outside CE provider program will also be eligible as accepted CE.
You may still earn and self-report up to two hours of continuing education from non-vetted sources. Examples include authorship, teaching, or attending live events. Those sources must meet the requirements below for our continuing education policies.
Activity Requirements
- address one or more acceptable topics;
- contribute to increasing the professional competency of participants;
- are developed and conducted by persons qualified in the subject matter and in instructional design;
- are current and correct in content;
- provide documentation to the attendee/participant by the activity provider;
- are at least 50 minutes in length (50 minutes of content = 1.0 CE hour); and
- meet one of the acceptable format types.
Details on the above requirements can be found by visiting our Continuing Education (CE) Requirements article.
Self Report Outside CE
Please note, we advise you to have proof that you've completed the courses that you entered, as we do randomly audit 5% of our Designation Renewals to confirm accuracy.
To self-report Outside CE, follow the below steps:
- Click the 'Continuing Education' button on the left side of the screen and click on the blue rectangle labeled 'Submit My CE' at the top right of page
- Leave the box next to 'Have an Activity Code' empty
- Enter the name of the CE Activity
- Choose 'Activity Source' from drop-down
- Click & choose an activity date from the calendar
- Select the number of hours for CE credit (1 or 2) with the sliding scale
- Click 'Submit' at the bottom of that page
The CE will be credited to your account immediately.