This article is designed to illustrate the navigational dashboards, as well as the action icons you will see within the Fiduciary Focus Toolkit™.
Management Dashboard -
The Management Dashboard (upper right corner of the screen) houses the Internal Help Desk, Report Download, Application Management, 'My Profile', and Lock Screen/Sign Out icons. Within your Fiduciary Focus Toolkit™, the Help Desk and Application Management will be the most relevant to your usage.
Help Center Report Download Application Management
My Profile
Action Icons
Edit, Import, Export, Custom Download
Clear, Save, Load a Saved Search
Reset Sort to Default, Delete Selected, Compare Investments/Generate Report
Add to Client Accounts
Action Button (3 vertical dots)
"The Action Button" allows you to, as the name suggests, perform actions within the
software. It is prevalent throughout the Fiduciary Focus Toolkit™. Launch reports, add/remove
holdings, manage watch list overrides, and more!
Excel Import Templates (Client Holdings & Models)
Importing can be done within Models, Client Holdings, Current/Proposed Lineups in the Prospects tab, and Lists! Don't forget about the ability to export export data across your entire Book of Business for further analysis as well.
Example Model Import File (DP).xlsx