Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- Will there be a Broadridge 360 Summit in 2025?
- Can I hold both the AIF® and AIFA® Designations?
- Does the CE that I complete for an Fi360 Designation meet other industry designations' CE requirements?
- Is Fi360 a registered CE sponsor for State Insurance?
- What do I need to bring to an instructor-led training seminar?
- Can I review the examination to see what questions I missed?
- Are there any practice tests for an Fi360® Examination?
- Are the quizzes in the training similar to the questions asked on the final examination?
- When can I expect my designation certificate to arrive?
- How can I obtain another copy of the certificate for my designation?
- How do I find and print receipts/invoices in my account?
- Can the Designation Reinstatement fee be credited?
- How can I receive proof that my Fi360 Designation is in good standing?
- How long does it take for the Designation Application to be processed?