Occurs whenever a decision optimizer report is marked as locked.
Id int
Unique identifier for the Analysis.
DateLocked date
Data the analysis was locked by the user.
WorkspaceId int
Id of the workspace the analysis exists in.
WorkspaceName String
Name of the workspace the analysis exists in.
LockUser Guid
Unique identifier of the user that locked this analysis.
LockUserFirstLastName String
First and last name of the user that locked this analysis.
LockUserEmail String
Email of the user that locked this analysis.
Name String
Analysis name given by the user that generated the analysis.
DecisionFrameworkName String
Name of the Decision Framework that was used for the analysis.
PreparedFor String
Name of the client that the analysis was prepared for.
ClientEmailAddress String
Email of the client that the analysis was prepared for.
ClientProspectId String
Custom Identifier of the client that the analysis was prepared for.
RollAssetToExistingAccount Boolean
Will the assets be rolled into an existing account or not?
ExistingAccountId String
If RollAssetToExistingAccount = True, then the ID of the account the assets should be rolled into.
AdvisorRepCode String
RepCode for the advisor that should be linked to this analysis.
CurrentAccountBalance decimal
Amount of money to be considered under this analysis.
ClientAge int
The client's age for this analysis
IsExistingClient boolean
Is this an existing client of the firm?
IsClientEmployed boolean
Is the client currently employed?
IsClientRecommendation boolean
Is the client looking for a recommendation?
IsRolloverRecommendation boolean
Was a rollover recommendation provided via this analysis?
DocumentationQuarterlyStatements boolean
Did the client provide quarterly statements?
DocumentationAnnualParticipantFeeDisclosure boolean
Did the client provide their annual fee disclosure?
DocumentationSummaryPlanDescription boolean
Did the client provide their summary plan description?
BenchmarkDataUsed boolean
Was benchmark data used in the cost analysis?
PdfContent Base64 encoded data
Base64 encoded data that represents the PDF.
This value can be translated into the actual PDF document via code. See example here.
EndpointWorkspaceGuid Guid
Unique identifier of the workspace that the webhook event was created on. Will not be provided for the reproduce event as no report is generated.
URL String
Path that can be used to download a PDF copy of the report. For security reasons, this URL needs combined with the EndpointWorkspaceGuid to create the full path to the file as shown below. Also, once downloaded, the PDF cannot be re-downloaded via the same path.
Full Path to PDF: URL