Sync Rules
‘Sync Rules’ are for utilization with active provider integrations among your clients. They allow you to set rules to include or exclude investments from your integrated client account/s. Rules must be applied in advance of the monthly data sync.
What are Sync Rules?
Sync Rules allow you to override specific data from the incoming data file. There are two types of Sync Rules: INCLUDE and EXCLUDE. You can add an investment (include rule) that is not present in the feed OR you can remove an investment (exclude rule) from the feed that you would no longer like to have included. These rules will persist until you remove them. This adds flexibility in how you automate your software.
***BEFORE setting a sync rule, please be sure to ADD the fund/s you plan to create the INCLUDE rule for - or - REMOVE the fund/s you plan to create the EXCLUDE rule for.***
In order to access ‘Sync Rules,’ you can click on the action button (three vertical dots on the right hand side of your client's ACTIVE ACCOUNTS screen, then choose ‘Edit Account.'
From here, you will see a blue ‘Set Sync Rules’ button. Please note, if you already have rules in place, the button will be labeled as 'Edit Sync Rules.'
After selecting ‘Set Sync Rules,’ you will be able to add your investment(s) that you wish to include/exclude from the feed. To do this, begin typing in the name, ticker, or CUSIP in the search box, and click on the appropriate investment from the drop-down list. Once you’ve selected the desired investment, click on the blue + box. You will then be given the option to either include or exclude that particular investment.
The investment(s) that you select will populate below along with the corresponding sync rule that you’ve chosen.
Once you’ve completed this process, click on the save button in the bottom right corner of your screen. These sync rules will be reflected until you delete/change them.