Please Note: Depending on your enterprise configuration, access to this featured may be disabled.
To access the Decision Framework templates, navigate to the Application Management area (gear icon in top right corner).
Select the 'Decision Frameworks' tab from the options displayed to the left.
You can choose to create a new framework from scratch OR you can copy/edit an inherited* framework that was passed down to your account by either Broadridge or your individual enterprise (Home Office).
*An inherited framework can also be suppressed by clicking on the three vertical dots and selecting "Suppress Framework". This removes the framework as an option inside of your Decision Optimizer account.
To create a framework from scratch, please go to the Decision Frameworks Help Desk Article.
How to Add Needs and Features to your existing Frameworks
Click on the 3 vertical dots to the right of the desired framework and select 'Edit Framework.'
** If you would like to edit an inherited Broadridge Default Template, please select 'Copy Framework.'
Once you have opened the framework template, use the options to the right to 'Expand' your Decision factors.
This will open the display for all decision factors. You can open an individual factor by clicking on the factor name.
Once you have opened the factor that you wish to add an Investor Need or Account Feature to, please select either 'NEEDS' or 'FEATURES' from inside of the factor.
This will open a page to the right and will allow you to ADD NEEDS or FEATURES for the individual factor.
To enter in your Pre-Defined Need or Feature, select the ADD NEEDS or FEATURES button to open up a text box to enter the desired text.
If you would like to allow for Free -Form entry while completing the analysis in the Decision Optimizer, please check the 'Enable Free Form Text Option' box.
** You will need to ADD a separate NEED/FEATURE text box for each individual NEED or FEATURE.
If you would like to COPY the example NEEDS/FEATURES provided by the Pension Resource Institute (PRI), please navigate to the Examples of Common Investor Needs and Current Account Features Help Desk Article to copy and paste the text.
** The examples provided in the Help Desk article are examples of common Investor Needs and Features and should not be used as the sole deciding factors in evaluation of rollover recommendations. If you need guidance or advice on which items should be considered, please contact your Home Office or Compliance Officer.
Once you have finished entering in your NEEDS or FEATURES, use the SAVE button located in the bottom right of the page.
Repeat these steps for each factor and framework as needed.
PDF Settings
In the PDF settings, there is an option to Include Factor Needs and Include Factor Features on the analysis PDF report. Any unselected Needs or Features can by hidden in the analysis PDF report by checking the box.
Additionally, selecting the "Include Fee Comparison" box will display the details of the fee comparison in the analysis PDF report.
For guidance on making any other changes to your framework template, please go to the Decision Frameworks Help Desk Article.
Once you have completed updating your template, make sure to SAVE by selecting the SAVE option in the lower right hand corner.
**If your account shares frameworks to workspaces below, make sure to update your Inheritance Type to GLOBAL to ensure that all child workspaces have access to the new framework.
If you have COPIED an Inherited Broadridge Default Template and would like to remove this template as an option from the dropdown within your Decision Optimizer account, you can use the 'Suppress Framework' option by clicking on the 3 vertical dots to the right of the framework and selecting 'Suppress Framework.'
If you need assistance with this process or have any additional questions, please contact our support team at