Coming just over 30 days since our last major release of the Fiduciary Focus Toolkit™ , this release is focused on rounding out the landscape report layout and introducing more flexible and comprehensive EXCEL downloads from a client account.
Additional Landscape Report Sections
As promised, the second wave of landscape report sections are now available for inclusion in a research or monitoring report template. This includes all remaining sections except for the Investment Factsheet. The landscape Factsheet will be included in the next release and will include an additional option for page 3 to show monthly trends (instead of quarterly).
New Feature – Custom EXCEL Download from Client Account Holdings
You can now download a client’s holdings to EXCEL and include additional columns for ANY or ALL of the available data points in the Investment Screener. This includes close to 100 additional data points. Existing Screener functionality allows you to design and save search layouts with the data points you care about. These saved layouts can now be selected when clicking the ‘Custom Download’ icon.
Defect Resolution
- Client Performance Summary chart was not printing the benchmark correctly when 0 funds had a 10yr history. The client and benchmark returns will now both start when the first fund has a return.
- Asset values will now populate for TDFs when using the Auto-Populate feature.
- When a single sync-id is deleted for an integration provider within Settings, it will not unlink accounts tied to other existing sync-ids for the same provider.
- The performance of the Watch List Override Modal has been significantly improved.